Timehop cofounder and CEO Jonathan Wegener has joined Snapchat to work on product design, a Snap spokesman confirmed to Business Insider.

Wegener joining Snap may seem odd given that Timehop is all about remembering your old photos and Snapchat was created with ephemeral messaging in mind. But Wegener’s expertise could aid the development of Snapchat’s Memories feature, which lets you save photos and videos you shoot in the app for later.

Recode’s Peter Kafka first reported that Wegener is joining Snap on Wednesday.

Shortly after Snapchat introduced Memories last summer, Wegener published a blog post praising the app’s design decisions.

"I believe Snapchat more than anyone else today understands the intricacies of how users think about photos and their mobile devices-and a lot of is in line with what I've seen in Timehop user testing sessions and my own field observations," he wrote.

Timehop lead designer Matt Raoul replaced Wegener as CEO of the New York-based startup last week. The app has faced stiff competition from Facebook since it launched its nostalgic "On This Day" clone of Timehop in 2015.